Our Story

This is our message in a bottle and we hope it finds you well. Our story has always been linked to the ocean. We’ve played, we’ve traveled and we’ve learned from it.

The Leeward Look that realization of our love affair with water. Whether it’s on a boat or under the ocean, we are fortunate enough to share this journey with you through the things that we make.

To help us write this story, we’ve partnered with artists from around the world. Some fish, some surf. All of their images are another chapter in this tale. Each and every item sold directly supports these artists and their work.

Good things take time, every item is made on demand by hand in the United States. It’ll take a little bit longer to ship to you but we promise it will be worth the wait.

And hey, while your waiting, relax, share few stories of your own. You’re apart of ours now and when you done send it off in a bottle.

We hope you’ll join us in the retelling.

-Leeward Look Team