"Live in the Sunshine" Ready-to-Hang Stretched Canvas Frame

-Made-to-Order in America

-Ships in 2-3 business days

-Eco-friendly inks on durable and recyclable material canvas

Our stretched canvas frames are produced from a single source; built, printed, and packaged in-house in our shop; ensuring a quality piece of decor. Professionally stretched and secured on a handcrafted wooden frame and backed by a matte board adorned with a hanger; your decor piece will be ready to hang right out of the box. Using a method of heat-cured canvas printing, the colors and design of these prints will be as vibrant as the day you got it, for years to come.

Sustainably crafted with materials responsibly harvested and efficiently produced to reduce waste.

Crafted in 3 different sizes, decorate any space, big or small, office or bedroom.



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